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Small Animal Medicine & Surgery
Call us today! 704-636-6613
Call us today! 704-636-6613

3200 Sherrills Ford Road
Salisbury, NC 28147

Practice Preventative Medicine This Year

January 1 2021

Happy New Year! It’s the perfect time to make a resolution for your pet’s good health: to practice preventative care. That way, you can avoid many health problems before they even begin. Here, your Salisbury, NC vet tells you what preventative measures you should be practicing this year. 

Vaccinate your pet.

Vaccinations are essential for protecting your pet from dangerous and possibly contagious diseases, like parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, rabies, Lyme disease, and others. It’s important that your pet receives their initial vaccines at a young age and then gets booster shots in regular intervals in order to keep vaccines effective. Talk to your vet if your pet needs vaccinated. 

Use pest preventatives.

Pests like fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms, not to mention dangerous heartworms carried by mosquitoes, are just waiting to wreak havoc on your pet. The trick is using proper preventatives to keep these nasty critters at bay. Most pets do well with a heartworm preventative and a flea-and-tick medication—ask your vet about these products if your pet isn’t already on them.

Spay or neuter.

Spaying or neutering your pet is actually an important preventative healthcare measure. That’s because it eliminates the risk of various cancers, including genital, breast, and prostate cancers. It also makes common ailments like urinary tract infections less likely, and it tends to improve your pet’s behavior. Have the procedure performed early on in your pet’s life if at all possible.

Feed a great diet. 

Did you know that feeding your pet properly is one of the best ways to avoid health problems and keep your animal friend in tip-top shape for a lifetime? When your pet gets the right nutrition through their meals, all body systems stay healthy. Feed your pet in the proper portion size, and there won’t be a risk of obesity, which can be time-consuming and costly to correct later. Ask your vet for a recommendation on a great diet choice, and ask about the right serving size for your pet. 

See your veterinarian. 

Last but not least, make a resolution to keep up with regular veterinary appointments this year. When your pet is examined regularly, any problems can be caught early and dealt with before they get worse. That’s a recipe for good health long-term! 

Do you need to set up an appointment for your pet? Give your Salisbury, NC vet clinic a call today. We’re always here to help! 

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